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CBD kann Pharmakologische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Feminisierte Samen – Canna Seed – Hanfsamen Feminisierte Samen enthalten keine männlichen Chromosomen und das sorgt dafür, dass jede aus einem feminisierten Samen angebaute Cannabis-Pflanze weiblich blüht. What Studies Say about Hemp CBD | Nutritional Outlook As long as CBD-rich oils are imported, or farmed in states where cultivation and production is permitted by state law, CBD-rich hemp oils are legal. But they are not legal if their THC content is above 0.3%. 1 This threshold keeps the distinction between hemp and marijuana in place. Scientific Studies on CBD How do I make CBD-rich brownies or other CBD-infused edibles? To make a CBD-rich brownie or another CBD-rich edible, one must first extract oil from a CBD-rich strain and infuse it into olive oil, coconut oil, butter or ghee (clarified butter).
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